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“I just had 3 amazing days in Kruger National Park with Nomad Tours.“
Kruger is located in South Africa and is one of Africa’s biggest game reserves.
We started out early after meeting the guides, filling out all the appropriate paper work and of course meeting our fellow travelers.
As it was Good Friday, everyone was given Rabbit Ears to wear and an Easter egg to eat.
A quick group photo with our extra ears and we are on our way to Kruger NP. It was a great way to start the day and everyone was happy. The group is made up of people from 9 different countries and varying ages so it’s a good mix.
The road to Kruger is very picturesque and we are all excited and full of hope at seeing lots of animals.
“It looks like being a good day!”
That night I decided to take the evening game drive, excited at seeing the African wildlife. The next morning we did it all again, piling into the 4 X 4 ‘s for a full day game driving.
The first animals spotted are two hyenas next to the road.
News came that a cheetah was spotted in the park but it’s too far away for us. Feeling a little disappointed but optimistic we drive on.
As we round the corner a pack of wild dogs have taken up ownership of the road. There were about 20 in all, some just lying about whilst others were feasting on an impala.
Surprisingly, there were no fights for this one small piece of meat between so many. They looked like they had a pecking order, seemingly well behaved.
With so many it was hard to contain our excitement, and cameras were in over drive. I think every car in Kruger was now trying to get a parking spot to see them.
“I didn’t think my day could get any better.”
As the day goes on, the animals of Kruger NP come out.
We see lions, rhinos, buffalo, giraffe and those mighty elephants. What magnificent beasts!
I’m hoping to see the Big 5 but we are yet to see a Leopard. Fingers crossed.
(The Big 5 consists of : lion, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros & leopard.)

“That’s the thing about nature, you can’t predict it.”
Once again I did the evening game drive. There appeared to not be a lot of activity tonight but…..
We take a short break,staying close to the vehicles. There is a rather large group of impalas to keep us company for the next half an hour.
Getting back into vehicles we drive off when all of a sudden…….the vehicle behind us has spotted a leopard. It has run across the road right in front of them.
“I finally get to say I saw the Big 5, and all in one day.”
Driving back we get to see it with our own eyes, but it’s not 1, it’s actually 2 leopards. They are stalking the same impalas we had just left.
One must wonder who was the prey, and to think we were so close and oblivious to them is scary yet exciting.
The day couldn’t have been any more perfect.

It was now our last day in the park and we could only hope that by some miracle we would get to see some animals that had stayed hidden from us.
We got to see some rhinos up very close and plenty of others animals but our biggest excitement was spotting another leopard just having a leisurely lie in the morning sun.
If it was not for the height of our Nomad truck I would never have spotted it. Cars that were now stopping were unable to see it, not until is walked up the embankment. I couldn’t stop smiling, very happy that the rest of my group finally got to see a leopard that I had spotted.
As night falls on the African sky, the sunset is the perfect finish to a tremendous day.
My time in Kruger was very memorable and I must now have thousands of photos to remind me of such a great tour with Nomad.
The writer
Faye Anderson is none other than my outrageous and thrill seeking mother, an amazing independent woman who I have traveled with many times including our first overseas trip together. She is a seasoned traveler to Africa, particularly the East and South African regions.
Having done 12 trips in the last 6 years, all with Nomad Adventure Tours, her preferred travel company, Faye has many great insights into what to see and do, how to get the most out of each adventure and all on a moderate budget.